Friday, July 25, 2008

Antique Market

This morning I was going to get up at 6 a.m. to try and buy Olympic Tickets; however, last night the lines were already 8,000 people long and my morning there were over 300,000 people waiting at the ticket office, my classmare who went was told by a police man. So, I slept in.

Today my friend Li took me to an antique market and it was really, really cool! We had to take the subway and then take a bus (my first time in Beijing) to get there. There are over 900 bus lines here in Beijing, so Li says he tries to avoid it when possible, I am sure they can get confusing. I got this really neat bottle that has a dragon with a ball of fire painted on the inside. I also got an incense burning for a friend and a ring. It was not too expensive, the bottle was my biggest "splurge." The saleswomen started out high and wouldn't go down, so we left in hopes that she would say, "no no, okay" but she didn't! So we went back later and I got an okay price, but by that time she knew I wanted that hand painted bottle! I was really happy I got it though.

After the antique market we went to this really big mall! I mean, really big! One of the escalators was 6 stores high, so that was cool! We ate at this Italian place and got pizza, they had nice prices and the food was good. That's one thing I really like about China, everything is cheap! Lunch costs maybe $3 or $4, so when I get home I am going to be so spoiled, "What! $8 for lunch!!???!!"

Later in the evening we watched two movies, Juno and Kung Fu Panda (that's right, I watched it... in China). I still have the next two days off and I am not sure what I'm going to do, maybe see the Temple of Heaven or the Olympic Park, I will play it by ear!

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