Saturday, July 12, 2008

Rural Beijing, Great Wall, Ming Tombs!

Wow, have I had a crazy two days!?!? The past two days we have had a Beijing Tour, with one more day tomorrow! Yesterday we went to a Sewage Plant, which was actually kinda neat because we got to see how sewage is turned into clean water. After that we went to Rural Beijing by way of POLICE ESCORT! It was crazy! They had road closed in Beijing for us! There were about 8 buses full of students from all over! England, the US, Australia! They really took care of us! So we went to rural Beijing to a town at the bass of BEAUTIFUL mountians. I have never seen mountains like them in my life, they were like huge hersey kisses or something, up, down, up, down, just amazing! In the town we saw a beautiful Buddist Temple, which I looked at as art and architecture, add in the mountians and it was just amazing! After that we went to a retirement home where they greeted us with a song, we then viewed an average house in the town and got a martial art demonstration. It was really neat and they are really trying to put on a good impression for us all! After that we went to a very famous Peking Roasted Duck restaurant with over 200 years of service and the duck was SO good! What I have noticed is that every meal we have so much food! I mean, it seems almost impossible to eat all they give us, it is SO good though. I haven't really tried anything too exotic yet, haha.

Today was amazing, we had beautiful blue sky, before that there had been a lot of fog, but today was 100% clear, and I can see the mountains from my dorm room I found out! They are far away, but I can see them! Today we went to the Great Wall. Words cannot discribe how amazing it is! It's funny, you always here how awesome it is, how nothing can compare to it, ALL TRUE! It was absolutely amazing! The president of Mexico was actually here today so they had a huge section of the wall closed off, but once we got past the crowd it was great! And yes, I saw him. We climbed it for maybe an hour or so, the views were so beautiful! It gets so steep at times and the steeps are uneven but it is so worth it to climb! I saw an old chinese lady who was climbing it, I was very suprised, she was a fighter though and she made it pretty far up actually. I would love to go back to the wall again before I leave, it was just great, so it lives up to it's name, haha.

After the Great Wall and lunch, we set off for the Ming Tombs, which were actually pretty cool. It's where some of the emperors and empresses are buried. There is a tomb about 27 Meters underground that we went into and it was really neat! I just love how there is so much history here in China, it is amazing and it's great to feel like I am a part of it.

Tomorrow we are going to visit the Summer Palace and the Winter Palace, then we will be off to a Peking Opera show, I am very excited! The BOCOG (Beijing Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games) is really, really treating us and it's great! I am having a great time so far! Today was great! More to come!

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