Thursday, July 24, 2008

Days Off

We have another four days off, I am really begining to think I am here on vacation, but that will soon change I'm sure. Some of the Purdue girls are flying down to Shanghai in the morning and will be gone through Sunday. They had a little (and when I say "a little" I mean "A LOT OF") trouble with getting their tickets but I think it all worked out.

Today I had lunch with a chinese friend I made at my venue. He is actually going to be a flash quote reporter just like me, so we will be working together! He took me to some place in one of the hutongs and I just pointed at what I wanted and he told the waitress, haha. At work yesterday he asked me where we are staying and I told him the name and started to explain where it was and he was like, "Um... yeah... I am a student there and I live there too." I was like, "Of course I would try to explain to someone who already knew where it was, I would." Haha. After lunch we watched a movie with some of the australian students.

After that I took a little nap, I thought I was all adjusted to the new sleep schedule but then I took a nap and throw it way off again. So I drugged myself with three sleeping bills to no avail.

Tomorrow Olympic Event tickets go up for sale so we are getting up at 6 a.m. to try and get a spot in line. I really hope there are some seats left for some sort of swimming or diving event. ANYTHING! All the tickets have been "sold out" for months, but really? Has any prelim match of say ... a track and field event ever been sold out for a morning session? No, so they cannot ALL be sold out. So we will hope for the best, but I shall exspect the worst so I won't be too disapointed if nothing happens. As for the weekend, who knows? I will just be hanging out in Beijing. I know that Hairspray is coming to Beijing fror the next week, so I hope to see that!

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