Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Training Day

Today we started our Olympic News Serive Training. It was at a Hotel about an hour and a half way from our campus, so we left at 7:35 to make it there by 9:30. The training was alright, we listened to some Olympic News Service reps talk as they went through a power point. The information was all info that we will need, so it was important for us to be there. There was a reporter there from CCTV 5, she was the same reporter that came along on our three day tour and interviewed some of us, and this time she interviewed me. So I was on CCTV 5 6 o'clock news, I am super famous now, haha, not. It was neat though... it was all in Chinese so the only thing I understood was what I said. There were two other students who were on the program too.

After the training I was asked to do an interview with someone from the Chinese News Agency Xinhua, which I'm not sure I should have done. She asked me so fast that I was just like, "sure," and the other lady from CCTV was on the tour that the BOCOG was on so I figured she was invited too. There were also a couple camera's in the training room, I figure if they weren't supposed to be there they would have been asked to leave.

Tomorrow we have the same training, but more venue specific, so that will be nice. Then I don't actually go to the Veladrom until the 23rd of July, so I will have six days off! I am not sure what I am gonna to do yet, maybe go for a little train trip to the coast if we can. We shall see.
I am excited that we got our training up a kicking, should be a good six weeks! I am going to grow and learn a lot!

-Jason Myles

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