Sunday, July 20, 2008

Seeing Mao

This morning was a very early morning for some of us. I got up at 3:45 because we wanted to go see the flag raising at Tian' Anmen Square. The night before I went to bed at 3:45 and today I woke up then, so that was kinda funny.

We took a cab into Tian' Anmen and waited in the crowd of people facing the Forbidden City. We actually got there early enough to be somewhat close, the crowd grew much larger after we got there. This was one of those times when being tall was a very good thing because I was able to see over everyone. Soldiers came marching out from the Forbidden City and then split into two and walked around the flag pole. I assume this experience is kind of like the changing of the guard in Washington, both are a government spectacle that people gather to watch. Although, people here were talking and being loud through out the event, even while the Chinese national anthem was playing and in the States I don't think that would have been that case. It was not the most exciting experience but I would rather go somewhere and be disappointed than not to go and always wonder what it would have been like.

After that was over aroung 5:10 we had time to kill before we went to go see Mao. The Mao viewings are only open from 8-12 and not on Mondays. So we walked around and got some breakfast. When going to see Mao you have to check your bag across the street because there are NO photos allowed and security is tight. The bag check and Memorial Hall were scheduled to open at 8 but when we walked by at 7:30 they were taking bags and people where in line to see Mao.

Seeing Mao was an interesting experience. You line up around the building and go through security, then you walk into the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall. You enter and there is a big statue of him and people placing flowers all around. After that the line divides into two and you filter into the viewing room. The line moves slower here as you walk by.

After this I came home and went to bed until about 2:30. It was a full day before 9 a.m. but it was worth it.

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