Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cultural Differences

When being submerged into a different culture it is hard to not noticed they things that make that culture unique in your eyes.

Some things I have noticed in China is the friendships among eveyone, not just the youth, but even some adults. Because of the one child policy (which makes perfect sense for a country like China) many people become very close with their friends and they act more like brothers and sisters than friends. This is something that I really admire because friendship is something that means a lot to me. It is not uncommon to see two girls holding hands while walking or even to guys linking arms when pushing through a crowded subway station. I was on the train the other day and it was very crowded. There were three teenaged boys, two of them got seats and one didn't, so the one just sat on the legs of the other two right in the middle and played is Gameboy. I am not saying that eveyone does this, but I have noticed it and it does happen. If things they that happened in the States people would get another idea about what was going on. When you live in a city as crowded as Beijing, personal space isn't as big of an issue. I think that is one thing people have struggled with because they have some so accustom to having it.

Also, in China when you see a couple, more often than not you will see the man carrying the purse of his girlfriend. Not just carrying it, but wearing it over his shoulder. I have also seen men having a purse of there own so it seems. Not like a very girly one, but just a bag like a purse they wear over their shoulder. Again, not every man does this, some have back packs and briefcases, but it does happen and seems to be social expectable, where as in the States that wouldn't be the case.

The cultural diffrences aren't "weird," they are just diffrent. That is why they are called "diffrences." So when people see something when abroad and say, "Oh, that is so weird." They need to realize that's it's all part of the culture.


Naomi Nicole Schrock said...


moshi ng said...

i love your observations and how true they are! and yes, I DO read ur blog!!