Friday, August 22, 2008


Today marked the finals of the BMX race. As you may know, BMX made it's Olympic debut this year. I am not gonna lie, at first I was skeptical but after being here I definitly think it's worth having in the games (I mean really, compared with events like Speed Walking and Shooting, it definitly fits in better). There are some things that I think are Olympic events, and some that are sports, and I think BMX is for sure a sport!

American riders won three out of six medals in BMX which was awesome. At one point in the mixed zone I had all three of those medalists in front of me, they were all talking with diffrent journos and it was hard to keep focus, but we got our quotes. BMX was probably may favorite part so far. I loved being so close to the action and basically rubbing shoulders with these great athletes. There were so many crashes it was crazy! BMX is an awesome sport and I think after working Cycling at the Olympics I will keep up on the sport and continue to follow it! One [long] day of work left! Mountain bike!

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