Sunday, August 31, 2008

Reflection Has Set In

Now that I am home safe and sound, I have had a chance to look back on this awesome experience and see what I've learned.

Going into this trip I really didn't know what all to expect. Sure I know it would be great and that I would see and do many new things, but I wasn't sure what those 'things' would be.

I never expected to find good friends who were native Chinese. I never expected to learn so much about myself and my background as I compare it to the past of others. I never expected to feel inspired to stidy Chinese, which I am now doing. I never expected to mean so much to someone, someone who I befriended. I never exspected that saying "hi" to a little Chinese boy or Chinese girl would bring such a smile to their face. I never exspected that giving a little guy my FuWa pin on the subway would make him so thankful. I never exspected China to feel like a home away from home.

When going on a trip or adventure, you never know what you may encounter or what lessons you will learn. Go in with an open heart and an open mind, but most importantly with open eyes. The things you will see very well may change your life, and that's something that you can expect.

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