Sunday, August 10, 2008

Turned Down!

Today I had to work with just two other flash quote reporters when usually there are about eight of us. I looked up the teams that were training and saw the New Zealand had not been interviewed yet. Our manager was not there and I was kind of scared to ask a coach if I could talk to an athlete on my own, but after a while I finally asked the NZL coach if I could talk to one of the riders. He said yes, that would be fine if he was "in the mood" and he said he would tell him. So I watched as he went to the rider who was sitting down, he told him and they both looked at me. The rider had seen me before because I was the only flash quote reporter there at the time.

I waited around for almost two hours and skipped luch because I really wanted this interview. I had set it up myself, I researched the guy and had come up with some good questions. The team ended their training session and one of the managers (who I had not talked to earlier) walked by and said, "he's coming" so he know who I wanted to talk to. Then the team came by. They were all wearing the same thing and I had only seen my rider on the track from a distance, so I missed him. They all looked so similiar and when he rode by on his bike he was looking the other way and pretty much avoiding me. I mean, yeah I guess I should have called out his name but I was 100% sure it was him. The thing is though, he knew I was waiting and he just got on his bike and road past when many athletes walk by. I was really upset. I mean, I understand if you aren't "in the mood" to interview, just tell me that when I ask so I don't waste time. The fact that the coach said, "if he is in the mood" kind of makes him sound like a diva anyway. It just sucks that I was so excited to be flying on my own and to be proud of myself for putting it together just have it all crash down. That just set the mood for a bad day.

After the bad day at work I went to dinner with two friends from work and it was really fun. We just ate, watched a soccer game and then walked back in the ran. It was fun. I am sad that my time with my Chinese friends is coming to an end! The time that I do have left will be very busy!

I'm going to see Beach Volleyball tomorrow! I am excited!

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