Saturday, August 2, 2008

Practice Run

Today we had to do a practice run of an 'average' day of competition at our venue. We went to work at 9:30 and did a run through of a mixed zone complete with music palying, people annoucing, and we had people pretend to be athletes. We then typed up our quotes and had a press confrence run through. We were done by 10:15. So we traveled an hour to do 45 minutes of work, oh well. It was cool though because more teams were training! the Czech Republic team and the and a Cuban rider. Some of those riders have legs the size of tree trucks! They are so big!

After that I went to a mall with a classmate and then to a book store. I came back and took a nap and went to dinner with my friend LI at a Taiwanese place here on campus. Andrea's birthday is on Tuesday so tonight many of us are going out. Today was a pretty chill day, not a whole lot happened. More later!

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