Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Night to Remember!

We started competition at our Venue Yesterday! We had one medal event and it was really cool to get things started! Having all the camera's there and journalists there was crazy, yet it was so cool! We had some problems with being able to be in the mixed zone (the hire ONS to be there and then tell us that we can't be) so some of our managers were REALLY upset. Over all though, it was a good day and a nice introduction to everything. I got some quotes and felt good with myself, haha.

Today was about the same, one of the leading men from the Netherlands who is a cycling SUPER STAR, Theo Bos, was in a crash today! The cyclist in front of him hit someone's wheel, he went down and then BOS rode right into him. They restarted the race but BOS couldn't ride and I bet he was MAD! He has more races to come though.

The real story of the day though (at least for me) came from after work! We were supposed to get off at 7:30 to head over to the Bird's Nest because we had tickets to Athletics, but we got off at 9:40!! It was out of our control, things just ran late and we need to get some quotes. At first I wasn't going to try to go, but then.... I did! I am SO HAPPY I DID! We got a taxi ride there, which took about 40 minutes. We were at the wrong entraence so we ran to the correct one then ran up to our seats. It is actually a very long story, but the end result was that we made the LAST RACE and saw someone break the world record in the Mens 100-meter sprint, I think. It was soooo cool to be there for that. I could wine about being late and how we missed almost everything, but I got to go inside the Bird's Nest, see THE Olympic Flame, Water Cube and a world track record be broken. I am SO glad that we went!

Being at the Olympics is so cool because of all the different people you see from all kinds of countries! "One World One Dream" is played out to real life so much! Random people from different countries take pictures with us. They are like, "We don't know you but it's okay!" It's all about just enjoying this world event together and meeting the people around you! I really think that there is no event that brings the world together like the Olympics and it is so cool to witness it and be apart of it! "How many worlds?" "ONE WORLD!" "How many dreams?" "One Dream!"

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